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YP Blog: Share You

By Sara Elcano posted 10-13-2017 12:24


I was recently asked by one of our senior student interns if he should wipe his social media accounts clean this fall and reinvent his personal brand as he nears graduation.

As someone who graduated college in 2007, remembers, and conveniently toggles between identifying myself as Generation Y or Millennial, my coming-of-age experience on social media was different than that of current YPs. That being said, my advice to him was simple and is applicable to anyone, regardless of age: 1) Delete any questionable content. If you have to pause and think about it, delete it. 2) Be authentic

I am constantly on the lookout for YPs across the country to keep in my queue should we have a position open up. Individuals who are engaged in conversation within our industry, show passion for their current gig and find a way to intermix their personality within their content are the names that usually filter their way onto my radar.  

The ability to develop an authentic narrative is key. Human>Robot. Send your #FlytheW tweet (next year is the M’s year), post your adorable puppy picture, share with the world where you went hiking and what quotes you find inspirational.

There is only so much you can do to make your resume pop but the measure to which you choose to make yourself memorable, unique and genuine, all while maintaining a level of professionalism, is up to you.

Choose to be the best you and then share you with the world.


