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Conference Rep Spotlight - November 2019

By Tyler Jones posted 11-11-2019 14:11


: Denise Anderson Da Silveira

Institution: Florida Gulf Coast University

Title: Associate Athletics Director for Marketing and Sales

Twitter Handle: @FGCUMarketing

What excites you the most about being a Conference Rep this year?

I am most excited about having the opportunity to engage with other marketing professionals in the conference, and further achieve our (or enhance our) conference-wide marketing goals.


How will being a Conference Rep benefit you professionally?

Being a Conference Rep will allow me to demonstrate my ability to perform external roles while performing my duties.


What (3) words best describe NACMA and what it provides our industry leaders?

Collaboration and Networking Opportunities


What athletics administration accomplishment are you most proud of?

I am most proud of growing our FGCU Basketball Brand exposure.


If you could be any mascot in athletics what would it be and why?

I would be Azul the Eagle because he's the best!



